This was a night to remember. Old college pals celebrating the embarking of the next phase of life as Dan turned 30. I had a lot of firsts that day. First time I drank from a flask in a cemetery. First time I tried hardywood park beer, the singel which I highly recommend, and the first time I heard a vroom song attempted live in about a decade. You’re never to old to keep experiencing life!!

Russian river and sierra nevada together and made this little gem they called a domesticated wild ale. It hits the palate hard with an array of strong flavors and a hint of a sour finish. If you see it, buy it!! Then sip on it all evening. 8 out of 10.

Hits like a sour ale and a dessert wine all at once. I loved the wax coated cork and the personality behind this. If you ever see it dont balk at the $15.99 or so price and pick it up. No disappointments to be had. 9.25. Also recommend New Glarus spotted cow.